Publication of customers - RM-12
The precise measurement of UV-A, UV-B and UV-C makes the RM-12 suitable for a wide range of applications in materials science, biotechnology, environmental technology and photochemistry. The following overview of scientific publications illustrates the wide range of possible applications.
Experimental Evaluation and Modeling of an In-duct Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) System for Bioaerosol Disinfection
Luo, Hao. "Experimental Evaluation and Modeling of an In-duct Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) System for Bioaerosol Disinfection." (2024).
Advanced photochemical systems with bathochromic shift for precision soft materials design
Kalayci, Kubra. Advanced photochemical systems with bathochromic shift for precision soft materials design. Diss. Queensland University of Technology, 2022.
Can UVA-light-activated riboflavin-induced collagen crosslinking be transferred from ophthalmology to spine surgery? A feasibility study on bovine intervertebral disc
Vasilikos, Ioannis, et al. "Can UVA-light-activated riboflavin-induced collagen crosslinking be transferred from ophthalmology to spine surgery? A feasibility study on bovine intervertebral disc." Plos one 16.6 (2021): e0252672.
Photodegradation of polylactic acid: Characterisation of glassy and melt behaviour as a function of molecular weight
Virág, Ábris Dávid, Csenge Tóth, and Kolos Molnár. "Photodegradation of polylactic acid: Characterisation of glassy and melt behaviour as a function of molecular weight." International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 252 (2023): 126336.
Measurements of UV—A Exposure of Commercial Pilots Using Genesis-UV Dosimeters
Baczynska, Katarzyna A., et al. "Measurements of UV—A Exposure of Commercial Pilots Using Genesis-UV Dosimeters." Atmosphere 11.5 (2020): 475.
Temperature-responsive, multicolor-changing photonic polymers
Kragt, Augustinus JJ, et al. "Temperature-responsive, multicolor-changing photonic polymers." ACS applied materials & interfaces 11.31 (2019): 28172-28179.
Application of UVC-LED/H2O2 in wastewater treatments: treatment efficacy on disinfection byproduct precursors and micropollutants
Leong, Dexter, Hao-Bin Chen, and Gen-Shuh Wang. "Application of UVC-LED/H2O2 in wastewater treatments: treatment efficacy on disinfection byproduct precursors and micropollutants." Sustainable Environment Research 33.1 (2023): 33.
Advances in Design and Development of Lumi-Solve: A Novel Drug-Eluting Photo-Angioplasty Device
Sangeetha Menon, Amarnath, et al. "Advances in Design and Development of Lumi-Solve: A Novel Drug-Eluting Photo-Angioplasty Device." Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 14.4 (2023): 605-614.
Priming for drought resistance: UV-C flashes triggered pipecolate accumulation and dehydration avoidance in Capsicum chinense Jacq. but induced no …
Pons, Coline, et al. "Priming for drought resistance: UV-C flashes triggered pipecolate accumulation and dehydration avoidance in Capsicum chinense Jacq. but induced no growth or metabolic costs." Environmental and Experimental Botany 226 (2024): 105873.
Fertőtlenítő UV-C sugárzás politejsavra gyakorolt roncsoló hatása= The Destructive Effect of Germicidal UV-C Radiation On Polylactic Acid
Virág, Ábris Dávid, and Kolos Molnár. "Fertőtlenítő UV-C sugárzás politejsavra gyakorolt roncsoló hatása= The Destructive Effect of Germicidal UV-C Radiation On Polylactic Acid." POLIMEREK: MŰANYAGIPARI SZAKLAP 10.4 (2024): 131-136.
UV-B Exposure of Black Carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens) Plants Promotes Growth, Accumulation of Anthocyanin, and Phenolic Compounds
Müller, Renate, et al. "UV-B exposure of black carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus var. atrorubens) plants promotes growth, accumulation of anthocyanin, and phenolic compounds." Agronomy 9.6 (2019): 323.
Light-box set-up for the development of resins for vat polymerization additive manufacturing
Degryse, Olivier, et al. "Light-box set-up for the development of resins for vat polymerization additive manufacturing." EUSPEN Special Interest Group Meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, Date: 2023/09/19-2023/09/21, Location: Leuven, Belgium. 2023.
Sticky Multicolor Mechanochromic Labels
de Castro, Lucas DC, et al. "Sticky Multicolor Mechanochromic Labels." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16.11 (2024): 14144-14151.
Toward combined photobiological–photochemical formation of kerosene-type biofuels: which small 1, 3-diene photodimerizes most efficiently?
Vajravel, Sindhujaa, et al. "Toward combined photobiological–photochemical formation of kerosene-type biofuels: which small 1, 3-diene photodimerizes most efficiently?." Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 22.8 (2023): 1875-1888.
Light-driven (cross-) dimerization of terpenes as a route to renewable C 15–C 30 crudes for fuel and lubricant oil applications
Gomes, Leandro Cid, et al. "Light-driven (cross-) dimerization of terpenes as a route to renewable C 15–C 30 crudes for fuel and lubricant oil applications." Sustainable Energy & Fuels 7.3 (2023): 868-882.
Antifouling and fouling-release performance of photo-embossed fluorogel elastomers
Kommeren, Sander, et al. "Antifouling and fouling-release performance of photo-embossed fluorogel elastomers." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7.11 (2019): 419.
Low-temperature deposition of self-cleaning anatase TiO2 coatings on polymer glazing via sequential continuous and pulsed PECVD
Dey, Benjamin, et al. "Low-temperature deposition of self-cleaning anatase TiO2 coatings on polymer glazing via sequential continuous and pulsed PECVD." Surface and Coatings Technology 436 (2022):.
Application of UVC-LED/H2O2
Leong, Dexter, Hao‑Bin Chen, and Gen‑Shuh Wang. "Application of UVC-LED/H." (2023).
Tough photo-cross-linked PCL-hydroxyapatite composites for bone tissue engineering
Thijssen, Quinten, et al. "Tough photo-cross-linked PCL-hydroxyapatite composites for bone tissue engineering." Biomacromolecules 23.3 (2022): 1366-1375.
Elicitation of Flavonoids in Kalanchoe pinnata by Agrobacterium rhizogenes
Fkiara, Amalia, et al. "Elicitation of Flavonoids in Kalanchoe pinnata by Agrobacterium rhizogenes."
Solar UV‐B radiation limits seedborne anthracnose infection and induces physiological and biochemical responses in Lupinus mutabilis
Falconí, César E., and Viviana Yánez‐Mendizábal. "Solar UV‐B radiation limits seedborne anthracnose infection and induces physiological and biochemical responses in Lupinus mutabilis." Plant Pathology 68.9 (2019): 1635-1644.
Micro‐cone textures for improved light in‐coupling and retroreflection‐inspired light trapping at the front surface of solar modules
Dottermusch, Stephan, et al. "Micro‐cone textures for improved light in‐coupling and retroreflection‐inspired light trapping at the front surface of solar modules." Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 27.7 (2019): 593-602.
Site-directed Mutagenesis (Y52E) of POLH Affects Its Ability to Bypass Ultraviolet-induced DNA Lesions in HaCaT Cells
Luo, C., et al. "Site-directed Mutagenesis (Y52E) of POLH Affects Its Ability to Bypass Ultraviolet-induced DNA Lesions in HaCaT Cells." The West Indian Medical Journal 63.4 (2014): 307.
Multiliter Scale Photosensitized Dimerization of Isoprene to Sustainable Aviation Fuel Precursors
Gomes, Leandro Cid, et al. "Multiliter Scale Photosensitized Dimerization of Isoprene to Sustainable Aviation Fuel Precursors." (2024).
Fgaier, Salah, et al. "Effect of high salinity and of priming of non-germinated seeds by UV-C light on photosynthesis of lettuce plants grown in a controlled soilless system." Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (2023): 1198685.
Nature-inspired dual purpose strategy toward cell-adhesive PCL networks: C (-linker-) RGD incorporation via thiol-ene crosslinking
Thijssen, Quinten, et al. "Nature-inspired dual purpose strategy toward cell-adhesive PCL networks: C (-linker-) RGD incorporation via thiol-ene crosslinking." Biomacromolecules 24.4 (2023): 1638-1647.
Assessment of a Light-Activated Adhesive for Hernia Mesh Repair
Amathieu, Ludivine. "Assessment of a Light-Activated Adhesive for Hernia Mesh Repair." (2021).
Polarisation independent liquid crystal lenses and contact lenses using embossed reactive mesogens
Jones, J. Cliff, et al. "Polarisation independent liquid crystal lenses and contact lenses using embossed reactive mesogens." Journal of the Society for Information Display 28.3 (2020): 211-223.
Sinteza i karakterizacija nanostrukturiranog TiO2 dopiranog sa srebrom
Sambolek, Anamarija. Sinteza i karakterizacija nanostrukturiranog TiO2 dopiranog sa srebrom. Diss. University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2017.
Design of a photo responsive liquid crystal polymer microvalve for integration in a light-adjustable glaucoma drainage device
den Toonder, J. M. J. "Design of a photo responsive liquid crystal polymer microvalve for integration in a light-adjustable glaucoma drainage device."
4D Printed Light‐Responsive Patterned Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuators Using a Single Structural Color Ink
Sol, Jeroen AHP, et al. "4D Printed Light‐Responsive Patterned Liquid Crystal Elastomer Actuators Using a Single Structural Color Ink." Advanced Materials Technologies 8.3 (2023): 2200970.
In-flight UV-A exposure of commercial airline pilots
Baczynska, Katarzyna A., et al. "In-flight UV-A exposure of commercial airline pilots." Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 91.6 (2020): 501-510.
Visible Light as an Antimicrobial Strategy for Inactivation of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilms
Angarano, Valeria, et al. "Visible light as an antimicrobial strategy for inactivation of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms." Antibiotics 9.4 (2020): 171.
Hybridní nanomateriály pro fotoanody k fotoelektrochemickému štěpení vody
Güler, Ali Can. "Hybridní nanomateriály pro fotoanody k fotoelektrochemickému štěpení vody." (2019).
Volumetric printing of thiol‐ene photo‐cross‐linkable poly (ε‐caprolactone): a tunable material platform serving biomedical applications
Thijssen, Quinten, et al. "Volumetric printing of thiol‐ene photo‐cross‐linkable poly (ε‐caprolactone): a tunable material platform serving biomedical applications." Advanced Materials 35.19 (2023): 2210136.
Properties and applications of hybrid oxetane-acrylate liquid crystal polymer networks
Visser, P. P. M. "Properties and applications of hybrid oxetane-acrylate liquid crystal polymer networks." (2018).
Structured antifouling coatings for the marine environment
Kommeren, Alexander Sebastiaan. "Structured antifouling coatings for the marine environment." (2017).
Optical indicators based on cholesteric liquid crystal polymers
Foelen, Yari. "Optical indicators based on cholesteric liquid crystal polymers." (2022).
Can UVA-light-activated riboflavin-induced collagen crosslinking be transferred from ophthalmology to spine surgery? A feasibility study on bovine intervertebral disc
Vasilikos, Ioannis, et al. "Can UVA-light-activated riboflavin-induced collagen crosslinking be transferred from ophthalmology to spine surgery? A feasibility study on bovine intervertebral disc." Plos one 16.6 (2021): e0252672.
In-flight ultraviolet radiation on commercial airplanes
Cadilhac, Pascal, et al. "In-flight ultraviolet radiation on commercial airplanes." Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 88.10 (2017): 947-951.
Palmans, and EW Meijer
Photodynamic Control of the Chain Length in Supramolecular polymers: Switchning an Intercalator into a Chain Capper
Comprehensive evaluation of photoelectrochemical performance dependence on geometric features of ZnO nanorod electrodes
Guler, Ali Can, et al. "Comprehensive evaluation of photoelectrochemical performance dependence on geometric features of ZnO nanorod electrodes." Nanoscale Advances 5.11 (2023): 3091-3103.
Hackmanite—The natural glow-in-the-dark material
Agamah, Cecilia, et al. "Hackmanite—The natural glow-in-the-dark material." Chemistry of Materials 32.20 (2020): 8895-8905.
Photonic cognition of liquid crystal polymers for unlocking electrical locomotion
Astam, Mert O., et al. "Photonic cognition of liquid crystal polymers for unlocking electrical locomotion." Matter 7.5 (2024): 1785-1798.
A facile strategy to determine photon flux and effective optical path length in intensified continuous-flow photoreactors
Zondag, Stefan, et al. "A facile strategy to determine photon flux and effective optical path length in intensified continuous-flow photoreactors." (2024).
Responsive photonic coatings based on semi-interpenetrating polymer networks
Kragt, Augustinus Jozef Johannes. "Responsive photonic coatings based on semi-interpenetrating polymer networks." (2019).
UV-sensing cellulose fibers manufactured by direct incorporation of photochromic minerals
Fang, Wenwen, et al. "UV-sensing cellulose fibers manufactured by direct incorporation of photochromic minerals." ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9.48 (2021): 16338-16346.
Crystalline nanoxylan from hot water extracted wood xylan at multi-length scale: Molecular assembly from nanocluster hydrocolloids to submicron spheroids
Zhang, Yidong, et al. "Crystalline nanoxylan from hot water extracted wood xylan at multi-length scale: Molecular assembly from nanocluster hydrocolloids to submicron spheroids." Carbohydrate Polymers 335 (2024): 122089.
Detection of X‐Ray Doses with Color‐Changing Hackmanites: Mechanism and Application
Vuori, Sami, et al. "Detection of X‐Ray Doses with Color‐Changing Hackmanites: Mechanism and Application." Advanced Optical Materials 9.20 (2021): 2100762.
Comparison of the Effects of UV-C Light in the Form of Flash or Continuous Exposure: A Transcriptomic Analysis on Arabidopsis thaliana L.
Jazayeri, Seyed Mehdi, et al. "Comparison of the Effects of UV-C Light in the Form of Flash or Continuous Exposure: A Transcriptomic Analysis on Arabidopsis thaliana L." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25.24 (2024): 13718.