UV made visible
Optics simulation for optimum performance
Optical systems consist of a wide range of parameters and degrees of freedom. Especially at the outset of a development process (e.g., the coating of mobile covers or the construction of camera systems), a realistic simulation constitutes an enormous advantage.
For this purpose, existing CAD files can be imported and combined with optical data and any illuminants. Crucial to this is a realistic simulation, where the exact beam data of the illuminant are used. In this way, data are measured for nearly any illuminant and integrated directly into the simulation.
Furthermore, optical simulations are absolutely essential for troubleshooting and tolerance determination.
For this purpose, existing CAD files can be imported and combined with optical data and any illuminants. Crucial to this is a realistic simulation, where the exact beam data of the illuminant are used. In this way, data are measured for nearly any illuminant and integrated directly into the simulation.
To design new systems, we use optical simulations that we compare with real measurement data from our laboratory at the end of the development project.